Carrawbitty Rural Retreat

Vision Quest has been Postponed untill a later date.

Why Vision Quest?

In our Western World it has been said that
we are missing the rites of passage of traditional society.
This is a time when we let go of childishness and take on
our true power as a warrior and face the world in our own right.
We now have an opportunity to participate in a Vision Quest with
Master Shamans Chief Medicine Crow and Chantel Two Crows.
This truly remarkable weekend will empower you and equip you
with tools you can use to transform your life to one of incredible power.
During the Quest you will learn how to: Use ceremony to increase power to your prayers and dreams. Apply telepathy and clairvoyance to effect a positive outcome in your life through Journey Meditation. Get in touch with your Animal Spirit Totems, speak to the spirits of nature and receive advice and guidance.

Participants are taken to their personal ‘power place’ to begin their quest for enlightenment in solitude amongst nature. Arrive on Thursday, and throughout Friday night, Saturday and Sunday, situated within their power circles, participants will endeavor to fast, stay awake, say prayers, do ceremony, journey work, and be available for answers and visions.

This event is only suitable for those who are serious about transformation. Ask yourself if you are ready for profound change, to take on your Warrior spirit and make your mark in the world as an empowered individual. If you are, then take a leap forward in your development and participate in your own personal Vision Quest.

Carrawobbity Rural Retreat

Return to Nature

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